Pest Control Norfolk, Providing removal of nuisance pests across North Norfolk.

Control Pest Solution

Wasp Nest Removal & Pest Control Norfolk

I’m a fully qualified and insured pest controller based in North Norfolk, serving all of the Norfolk area.

No matter how big or small the problem or the pest, it needs to be dealt with by a trained professional. I can offer quick, discreet and reliable solutions, using the most appropriate method for each pest type. Contact us here to find out more

Pest Control Norfolk

Rats and Mice

Rats cause damage to wiring and wood work as they need to gnaw in order to keep their incisor teeth at the right length as they do not stop growing. This coupled with the fact that they spread disease via their urine and droppings, makes it important to get on top of the situation quickly.
Wasp Nest Removal Norfolk

Wasp Nest Removal

A queen wasp comes out of hibernation in early spring and starts to build a nest using chewed wood and saliva. Initially the nest is about the size of a golf ball, in which she lays some eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae which in turn pupate until the adult wasp emerges.
Pest Control Norfolk

Crawling Insects

Call for a fixed price, child and animal friendly treatment using approved  industry techniques. There are different species of ants, the treatments are the same for all apart from the Pharaohs ant, which if disturbed, will ‘bud’ creating other nests, which makes the treatment harder

Pest Control Norfolk


When a fly lands on food it regurgitates saliva on the food to liquefy it before eating it , they also land and feed on faeces this transfers disease onto the food such as dysentery, diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera and conjunctivitis. There are various methods of controlling flies.
Mole catching Norfolk


Moles cause damage to gardens, land and machinery. Not only do molehills look unsightly, they can contain debris that can cause damage to lawn mowers and agricultural machinery. The uneven ground caused by tunnels and molehills can cause livestock to fall and become injured.
Bee Re-homing Norfolk


At Control Pest Solution, killing bees is not an option. There are many other solutions we can offer, like re-homing or contacting your nearest bee keeper, as they would love to help you with your issue.

Pest Control North Norfolk

Biting Insects

Biting insects do so to have a blood meal, once they have bitten they inject saliva which contains an anticoagulant and an anesthetic. The result is irritation to the bite area  and possible infection. The most common biting insects are fleas and bed bugs.

Pest Control North Norfolk

Textile Insects

Damage to clothes and carpets is caused by the larvae of the clothes moth and carpet beetle respectively. A survey will be need ed to be carried out to determine where the source or the infestation started.
Rabbit Control Norfolk


As well as damaging crops, rabbits can be a nuisance in areas from gardens to golf courses. A number of control methods can be discussed. Methods used are dependent on the scale of the problem, Trapping, Shooting, and Proofing are the usual methods.

Wasp Nest Removal norfolk

About Us

We have a range of solutions for all different types of pests, from insects, mice, rats and wasp nests removal to rabbits, foxes and deer.

We’re a local pest control Norfolk based company, serving all of the surrounding areas of Norfolk and we’re open 24 hours a day – there whenever you need us.

Control Pest Solution is a fully insured company, providing friendly, expert advice and professional solutions.

We proudly hold the following qualifications

Royal Society of Public Health Level 2 certificate in pest management

Royal Society of Public Health Level 2 award in the safe use of rodenticides

Deer stalking certificates 1 and 2.

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07880 533315 for urgent assistance

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